Franco Piccoli began his spin forming processing company more than 50 years ago in Venice, working first as an employee and shortly afterward on his own, soon moving the budding business to mainland. He worked first on his own, with makeshift equipment and in unsuitable places. These experiences, however, helped him to take his first steps subcontracting in the illumination sector, a thriving market in the hinterlands of Venice. The first company headquarters of importance were located in a rural zone near Noale, and there the business remained for almost 40 years: here the firm Piccoli Franco that then would become Piccoli srl enjoyed ever more intense periods of growth and many capital investments were made, both in personnel and technology. In the 1980s, the first semi-automatic and cnc machines were purchased. In those same years, the company undertook a new path as well: presswork with hydraulic presses. The first capital was invested in the first hydraulic presses, which produced unhoped-for results in a short time. In the following years, the activity of expanding the catchment area for the products of Piccoli Franco continued, and, in 2000, with the insertion of his son Davide in the workforce, the firm Piccoli Srl began an intense marketing campaign in Italy and abroad, participating in many fairs and exhibitions related to more diverse markets. In 2006, due also to the lack of possibility for further expansion in the old headquarters, the company was moved definitively and opportunely into the industrial zone of Noale.
Today the company clearly appears much different from the past; development in terms of billings, but above all the move to the new headquarters, have allowed better organization and a clearer division of tasks and duties among personnel, as well as the optimization of time use, and a more sensible rationalization of costs. Fundamental to this goal is the possibility to archive the dies and other tools used in the production process in a single warehouse of about 1,000 square meters, dedicated exclusively to this purpose. In addition, greater importance than in the past has been given to the use of computerized instruments in the creation of projects and designs useful in the production phase of the dies.
Over time, Piccoli Srl has developed a detailed knowledge of the local artisans and industries, and has therefore created a network of companies, which, even though each maintains its own independence and direct relationship with the client, allows the customers who may need it to organize independently the production of an object starting from the project phase and arriving at the finished product. Following are a few collaborators of particular relevance:
- Esse3 Srl 3D laser cutting;
- Pulver Plast Srl painting in powders and liquids and in gold and silver leaf.
Piccoli Srl works exclusively with other companies (business-to-business), furnishing their metal components, spin-formed or pressed, which will then be used in their production of finished articles, related to many different market sectors such as:
- components for furniture and furnishings;
- components for lighting;
- components for art objects and gift items;
- components for awards (cups and trophies);
- components for funerary objects (vases and urns);
- components for the aeronautics industry;
- components for bar machines and equipmen;
- components for the acclimatization industry;
- components for the agricultural machine industry;
Sometimes pictures are worth more than words. We have therefore decided to put on-line some moments from the daily life of the company that we think explain our work better than any possible explanation could, anticipating, however, your visit to our establishment in order to show you everything in person.